With an easy to learn interface, you can begin planning your strategy and building your ultimate zoo the moment you start the game. Looking for the OpenRCT2 downloads? View the downloads overview for the latest release and development builds. Official Product Description'In Zoo Tycoon, youll be challenged to build the most healthy and vibrant zoo possible. Read the Quickstart Guide to get your copy up and running in no-time. OpenRCT2 is available on various platforms. Scenarios require the player to complete a certain objective in a set time limit whilst sandbox allows the player to build a more flexible park with optionally no restrictions or finance. OpenRCT2 allows for both scenario and sandbox play. The player must try to make a profit and maintain a good park reputation whilst keeping the guests happy. The gameplay revolves around building and maintaining an amusement park containing attractions, shops and facilities. OpenRCT2 is an open-source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2), expanding the game with new features, fixing bugs and raising game limits. The wildly popular Zoo Tycoon series gets set to crank up the excitement, challenge, and fun of building the ultimate zoo. OpenRCT2 project About Features Changelog Quickstart FAQ Downloads Forums OpenRCT2 in short