The game is considered an adult game because of the sexual content and bad adult jokes, however, some censored versions of the game don't actually feature any on-screen breasts or nudity. So in case you've wanted to watch some boobies while playing BMX XXX, you'd might be better of grabbing the uncensored (Sega) Gamecube or PC version instead.

Because the PS2 release of the game was heavily edited, removing all topless characters from the game. Released in the early 2000s, BMX XXX is an extreme sports video game, but with a twist - mature content aka nudity! Well, kinda. If you are an old-school gamer, you have likely heard of this title. You know what that means, right? Boobs on a bicycle! Let's take off our clothes and hop onto our BMX with our bare naked butt, because we're about to kick things off with the earliest PS2 title on today's list - BMX XXX (from 2002). While the naughty titles listed in this article were not the very first games to include adult content, let's face it, who doesn't remember the infamous pixelated cowboy penis from the classic Custer's Revenge (1982) for the Atari 2600? So again, these Playstation 2 adult games were definitely not the first of its kind, but there are still a few interesting titles amongst them. Yes, just like Nintendo, Sony likes to censor their gaming titles as well. The games released under this category either went under the radar, got censored, or got banned because of the (what is considered by some people as) controversial content. That being said, a genre that many believe did not exist for the PS2, or more likely on video gaming consoles in general, are erotic games aimed at an adult audience. A look at all the NSFW games released on the Playstation 2 Thanks to the PS2, we were able to experience numerous fantastic and legendary titles, genres, and stories, keeping us engaged and playing for many years to come. If you thought the PSX was epic, the follow up turned out to be even more impressive, especially in terms of high resolution graphics and visuals. The release of Sony’s PlayStation 2 revolutionized the gaming scene across the globe.

Nintendo hates everything that's not family-friendly, but luckily for us, we still got Sony to provide us with some on-screen nudity, right? However, that doesn't mean there aren't any erotic or adult video games released on Sony's beloved gaming console - the Playstation 2. Popular video gaming consoles and adult content most often don't go hand in hand.